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Music Republic Magazine

How To Expand Your Blues Vocabulary, Get A Better Understanding Of Rhythm, Timing And Dynamics With The Right Strategy And Motivation - in Less Than A Month!!

Davide Pannozzo is recognized today as "one of the most interesting voices in the Modern Blues scene" and his interactive GUITARlab is one of the world's most comprehensive libraries of Modern Blues guitar instruction.

  • Ready, Steady, Go!

    Sign up and get immediate access to the material! You can study at your own pace 24/7 and you'll be guided by Davide Pannozzo, with personalized feedback on every lesson.

  • Learn Anywhere!

    You can literally study wherever you want! All you need is an internet connection and then you can access the program from an iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac or PC!

  • Exclusive Facebook Group

    Once you’ve enrolled, you will have access to the exclusive Facebook group, where hundreds of students from all over the world exchange tips and ideas, and you can be part of our incredible community!

  • Submit practice videos to Davide

    Get custom feedback on your playing from me. I am a professional New York-based Blues musician. I will send you personalized strategies to help you improve and reach the next level, saving you time & keeping you motivated! My bespoke expert advice will help you get better faster


Davide Pannozzo

He is a professional Blues musician based in New York with 15 years’ experience and six albums to his name. “I am passionate about the Blues, so have used my personal experience to design these online courses and help you unlock your inner Blues artist, taking your guitar playing to the next level. I look forward to playing with you.”

Be Part Of It

Choose your course and start your journey today!