Learn the best phrasing for Rock Blues
You can enroll with 5 monthly payments or with "One-Time Payment" fee saving 10% off the total.
5 x $59.99
One-Time Payment Fee (-10% off the total).
One-Time Payment Fee (-10% off the total)
You would absolutely love it if your playing was filled with new licks and tasty solos even beyond your wildest expectations.
There's only one problem.
To achieve those things, you need to do a better job studying the RIGHT things.
And typically, that means listening to the RIGHT songs.
But you're a beginner guitar player, or you're just looking to get acquaintance with this genre.
You don't know how to play killer solos that get people to listen to you more.
As a result, your playing is full of copied licks.
Until now, that only left you with a few options:
I've been playing guitar since I was 6 and as a neophyte myself, I wanted to learn everything I could about Rock Blues. So, I read dozens of books, listened to tons of CDs, and spent hours on the Internet, learning secret licks formulas from the best guitar players in the world.
Things to get a prospect's attention and keep it...which strategies the greats use to create their memorable solos...Then, I took all the secret tips, tricks, and licks formulas I learned and applied them to my style, creating my own voice.
The results were great! :
I have played all over the world thousands of concerts in the most important festivals and clubs.
I've played with the best musicians in the world: Steve Jordan, Will Lee, Robben Ford, Matt Schofield, Oz Noy, Carl Verheyen, etc.
I'm recognized today as "one of the most interesting voices in the Modern Blues scene"
Obviously, I was on to something.
That experience taught me that other players could play much better if they only knew how to listen to the right things.
With Rock Blues Standards Soloing, you can create professional-quality soloing, build up a repertoire and create your own style over the genre.
The course allows you to easily follow a learning path with 10+ songs to play (comping and soloing part), be guided by me in person and join the most exciting community dedicated to Modern Blues today, with access to exclusive Facebook group where you can confront yourself with thousands of other students from all over the world.
Perhaps more importantly, Rock Blues Standards Soloing will:
Save you hours of precious time spent trying to copy solos or licks
Put an end to your so-so solos (and their so-so results)
Create solos that work, using the same proven techniques used by professional Blues guitar players
All the more reason you should take advantage of our...
You can enroll to "Rock Blues Standards Soloing" at the special price of $269 or $59.99 x 5 monthly payments.
This course is included in the Membership option!
If you had to pay a professional teacher to show you 10 songs, solos and analysis for you for 5 months, you could expect to spend more than $1,000.
I'm making Rock Blues Standards Soloing available for a fraction of that.
It costs just $269—about what you'd spend to have a professional teacher for just 1 one-to-one lessons with a top-class player.
A professional-quality teaching method that uses the same proven formulas that $150/hour teachers use
10 new songs to add to your repertoire.
Note-by-note transcriptions of each solo.
Dozens of new ideas to apply to ANY rock blues songs.
You can continue to do the same thing you've been doing—spending tons of time copying licks and getting mediocre results.
Or you can invest in your growing by signing up for Rock Blues Standards Soloing.
If you're ready to take your playing to the next level, SIGN UP NOW!
But don't wait!
There are only a limited number of slots available at this rate. Sign up today to lock in this special pricing.
I know you won't regret it.
Davide Pannozzo
Founder of GUITARlab Modern Blues Guitar School
PS I'm so confident you're going to love Rock Blues Standards Soloing that I'm offering a 100% money-back guarantee. If you use Rock Blues Standards Soloing—and don't completely love it—I will refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked.
How To Use The Teaching Material
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Born Under A Bad Sign (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Crossroads (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Sunshine Of Your Love (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Pride And Joy (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
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Voodoo Chile (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Talk To Your Daughter (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
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Mary Had A Little Lamb (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
Red House (jam track)
Interactive Tabs
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Going Down (jam track)
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Video Demonstration
Interactive Tabs
Little Wing (jam track)
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