Build your repertoire in 12 Video Lessons with Performance Studies and Analysis.
You can enroll with 6 monthly payments or with "One-Time Payment" fee saving 20% off the total.
6 x $59.99
6 Monthly Payments
One-Time Payment Fee (-20% off)
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Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Cantaloupe Island" (Transcription)
"Cantaloupe Island" (Backing Track)
Feedback "Cantaloupe Island"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"The Thrill Is Gone" (Transcription)
"The Thrill Is Gone" (Backing Track)
Feedback "The Thrill is Gone"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"All Blues" (Transcription)
"All Blues" (Backing Track)
Feedback "All Blues"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Cissy Strut" (Transcription)
"Cissy Strut" (Backing Track)
Feedback "Cissy Strut"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Summertime" (Transcription)
"Summertime" (Backing Track)
Feedback "Summertime"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Help The Poor" (Transcription)
"Help The Poor" (Backing Track)
Feedback "Help The Poor"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"The Chicken" (Transcription)
"The Chicken" (Backing Track)
Feedback "The Chicken"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Sunny" (Transcription)
"Sunny" (Backing Track)
Feedback "Sunny"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"I Put A Speel On You" (Transcription)
"I Put A Spell On You" (Backing Track)
Feedback "I Put A Spell On You"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"So What" (Transcription)
"So What" (Backing Track)
Feedback "So What"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Chicken Dog" (Transcription)
"Chicken Dog" (Backing Track)
Feedback "Chicken Dog"
Video Demonstration
Harmonic Overview
Interactive Tabs
"Fee Fi Fo Fum" (Transcription)
Interactive Tabs
Fee Fi Fo Fum (Backing Track)
Feedback "Fee Fi Fo Fum"
The course "Jazz & Blues Standards Soloing" will last 6 months. Every 15 days, from the date of your enrollment, you will find a new lesson.
Students will receive a new lesson every 15 days. For each lesson, each student will get an overview of the topic, backing tracks and an HD video in which Davide Pannozzo will show how to approach the song. At the end of each lesson, there will be a chance to send your own work: a video that shows your playing on which you will receive a feedback from Davide in order to proceed to the next lesson. Sending the elaborate is not mandatory unless you want to get a final certification of the course. But it is highly recommended, even to get the 100% of the potential of the course. Each student can submit their work, with the cadence who prefers managing the workload as they want.
Yes, there will be tabs for each improvisation! A note by note transcription plus a specific overview for each of them! The audio and video are not downloadable but 365 days 24/7 accessible online! This allows the teacher to have detailed statistics about each student and following up with each one with the most profit. The material is available online at any time, even after the end of the course, with no expiring date!