Scale Concepts for Modern Blues Guitar [English]
All you need to know to play the Modern Blues with the right feeling!
You can enroll with 5 monthly payments or with the "One-Time Payment" fee, saving 10% off the total price.
5 x $59.99
5 Monthly Payments
One-Time Payment (-10% off)
Introducing Scale Concepts for Modern Blues Guitar...The New Interactive Guitar Method by Davide Pannozzo.
This is my course designed to level-up your Blues playing using the exact same tools and tricks that Modern Blues Masters like Robben Ford, Matt Schofield, Oz Noy use.
It makes it easy for you to unlock your guitar playing and boost your live gigs!
Imagine what it would be like to...
Now imagine what it would be like to accomplish those things easily.
In fact, you can ask big names of the Modern Blues to give you private lessons! Unfortunately, if they agree to do that, they also charge even $200 per hour.
That's why you're going to love Scale Concepts For Modern Blues Guitar.
New Teaching Method Helps You Unlock Your Guitar Playing Faster, even if you're not so advanced!!
Meaning you can get better gigs that you're getting now without hiring an expensive teacher!
You feel stuck in your style, playing the same pentatonic scales over & over again?
With this course, you will know EVERY tool you can use to make your style more interesting and... tasty!
Need a guide to understand EXACTLY what step to take to level-up your playing?
I'll guide you through this path using the same formula as hundreds of students around the world are using already with incredible results!
With Scale Concepts, you'll know all the scales used by the best Modern Blues guitar players in the world including Robben Ford, Matt Schofield, Oz Noy, Carl Verheyen.
Scale Concepts will teach you new skills no matter what is your genre!
Scale Concepts works for all genres. Even if... You're playing Rock, Funk, Pop, Jazz Music!
If You can keep your guitar in your hands You Can easily Develop Your Own Style with This Course!
Scale Concepts For Modern Blues Guitar is incredibly easy to use, even if you don’t think you’re a good guitar player (yet!).
With Scale Concepts For Modern Blues Guitar you will get:
If you had to pay one-to-one lesson with a professional teacher to show off all of the scales you get with "Scale Concepts", it would cost you $1,500 or more.
You can get "Scale Concepts For Modern Blues Guitar" for ONLY $59 / month x 5 months or $269 one-time-payment fee (-10% off the toal).
Because Scale Concepts has limited spots and it's available at a discounted rate for a limited time buy it today to lock in special pricing before the rate goes up!
If you're not completely satisfied with the professional results you get from Scale Concepts, every penny of your purchase will be refunded, no questions asked.
Scale Concepts for Modern Blues Guitar (Presentation)
How to use the teaching material?
1) Pentatonic Modes Overview
Pentatonic Scales Fingerings
Pentatonic Scale Exercises
Pentatonic Scale Exercises
Backing Track - "Ten Long Years" (in C)
Assignment #1
2) Mixing Minor & Major Pentatonic Overview
Mixing the Pentatonic Scales (Licks)
Mixing The Pentatonic Scales Licks (GuitarPro file)
Assignment #2
3) Pentatonic Add6 Overview
Pentatonic Add6 Fingering
Assignment #3
4) Dominant 7th Pentatonic Overview
Dominant Seventh Pentatonic Fingering
Dominant Seventh Pentatonic Licks
Dominant Seventh Pentatonic Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track - "A Doric (Reggae)"
Assignment #4
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Major Scale Modes Fingerings
1) Ionian (Major Scale) - Overview
Ionian Scale Licks
Ionian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "G Ionic (Motown)"
Assignment #1
2) Doric - Overview
Doric Scale Licks
Doric Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "A Doric (Reggae)"
Assignment #2
3) Phrygian - Overview
Phrygian Scale Licks
Phrygian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "B Phrygian (Jazz)"
Assignment #3
4) Lydian - Overview
Lydian Scale Licks
Lydian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "C Lydian (Funk)"
Assignment #4
5) Mixolydian - Overview
D Mixolydian (Funk)
Mixolydian Scale Licks
Mixolydian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Assignment #5
6) Aeolian - Overview
Aeolian Scale Licks
Aeolian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "E Aolian (Hard Rock)"
Assignment #6
7) Locrian - Overview
Locrian Scale Licks
Locrian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "F# Locrian (Rock)"
Assignment #7
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1) Melodic Minor - Overview
Melodic Minor Fingerings
Melodic Minor Scale Licks
Melodic Minor Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Blues Backing Track: "G Melodic Minor (Rock Fusion)"
Assignment #1
2) Doric b2 - Overview
Doric b2 Scale Licks
Doric b2 Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Blues Backing Track: "A Doric b2 (Fusion)"
Assignment #2
3) Lydian Augmented - Overview
Lydian Augmented Scale Licks
Lydian Augmented Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "Bb Lydian Augmented (Funk)"
Assignment #3
4) Lydian Dominant - Overview
Lydian Dominant Scale Licks
Lydian Dominant Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Tracks: "C Lydian b7 (Rock Fusion)"
Assignment #4
5) Mixolydian b6 - Overview
Mixolydian 6b Scale Licks
Mixolydian 6b Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "D Mixolydian b6 (Funk)"
Assignment #5
6) Locrian #2 - Overview
Locrian #2 Scale Licks
Locrian #2 Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "E Locrian #2 (Jazz)"
Assignment #6
7) Superlocrian - Overview
SuperLocrian Scale Licks
Superlocrian Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "F# Superlocrian (Rock)"
Assignment #7
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Harmonic Minor Scale Fingering
Harmonic Minor Scale Licks
Harmonic Minor Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "Harmonic Minor (IIm-V-I)"
Assignment #1
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Diminished Scale Fingering
Diminished Scale Licks
Diminished Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "Diminished Scale"
Assignment #1
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Whole Tone Scale Fingering
Whole Tone Scale Licks
Whole Tone Scale Licks (GuitarPro File)
Backing Track: "Whole Tone Scale"
Assignment #1
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Final Assignment
The course Scale Concepts for Modern Blues Guitar will last 21 weeks. Every seven days, from the date of your enrollment, you will find a new lesson.
Students will get a new lesson every seven days. For each lesson, each student will get an overview of the topic, several licks, backing tracks and an HD video in which Davide Pannozzo will show how to approach the scale. At the end of each lesson, there will be the possibility to send your own work: a video that shows the use of the given scale and on which you will receive a feedback from Davide in order to proceed to the next lesson. Sending the elaborate is not mandatory unless you want to get a final certification of the course. But it is highly recommended, even to get the 100% of the potential of the course. Each student can submit their work, with the cadence who prefers managing the workload as they want.
Yes, there will be tabs for each scales and licks. The audio and video are not downloadable but 365 days a year, 24/7 accessible online! This allows the teacher to have detailed statistics about each student and following up with each one with the most profit. The material is available online at any time, even after the end of the course, with no expiring date! In addition, you can download the GUITARpro files of exercises and licks. That makes it even easier to use and learn the content.